Friday 26 November 2010

Print Media - Questionnaire

1.       Are you male or female?
Male                                       Female
2.       How old are you?

3.       How often do you buy a magazine?
Weekly                  Fortnightly                          Monthly                               Never
4.       Which genres of magazine do you buy?Music                      Gossip                                  Cars                                       Fashion

5.       What attracts you to buying a certain magazine?_________________________________________________________

6.       I am designing a new music magazine – what kind of articles should I include?Interviews            Reviews                               News                                    Things to buy    

7.         What genres of Music do you listen to?Rock        Metal       Pop        R&B       Rap        Jazz        Soul       Electronic         Dubstep

8.       How much do you pay for a magazine?£0 - £1.00               £1.01 - £2.00       £2.01 - £3.00       £3.01 - £4.00       £4.01+

9.       What music magazines have you bought? Kerrang   The Fly    NME       Rolling Stone     Q         MixMag               None

10.   What would you add/change to a music magazine?____________________________________________________________

11.   What type of colour scheme would you like to see on a music magazine?Bright                      Dark                       One main colour               Lots of colours

12.   What genre of bands would you like to see on the cover of my magazine?Rock        Pop        R&B       Dubstep               All different kinds

13.   How many pages do you think a music magazine should have?1 – 10      11 – 20  21 – 30  31 – 40  41 – 50  51 – 60  61 – 70  71+

1 comment:

  1. 1.Female.
    4.Music, Gossip, Fashion.
    5.Depends on what type of magazine (Music - If a band I like is included. Fashion - If the clothes look good, ect).
    6.You should include all of the things you've said because people like varieties, and also include articles with different genres of music so your magazine will suit everyone.
    7.Rock, Pop, Electronic.
    8.Between £1.00 - £4.00.
    9.Kerrang, The Fly.
    10 I would add lots of genres instead of just one type of music so the magazine will appeal everyone.
    11. Lots of different colours.
    12. I would love to see rock, indie - rock, punk-pop.
    13. 71+
