Friday 3 December 2010

Print Media - Planning Main Magazine

Title: Kerrchow!, The Scene!, Band Gun, Music&Lyrics
Title in bold, a striking colour, maybe in two colours The in one colour and Scene in another but so the colours match and make it more attractive.

Photo Shooting: Christopher Galvin on drums or holding drum sticks for double page spread
                                 Kurt Herbst and Tom Hartland for front cover
Bands: Metal Rabbit, Seeing Double (Louise and Lucy), Numb Friction
Front Cover: Kurt and Tom posing as a band, along with a few small pictures of other bands included. Kurt and Tom looking at each other, angry hateful looks on their faces.
Contents: Minimized pictures of Chris, Kurt and Tom along with minimized pictures of Louise and Lucy posing as a band. Page numbers with different types of pages such as song lyrics to songs, new upcoming bands, double page spread on Chris, quizzes and horoscopes, birth dates of bands.
Double Page: Big image of Chris on drums or just holding drum sticks, Title in bold, writing just over lapping his picture, dark background, white writing to stand out. Chris’ picture covering most of one page.
Double Page Photo Shot: Facing away from the camera maybe looking down, shot is from head down to waist, can only see half of his face.

The Scene!    The Scene!  The Scene!
The Scene! The Scene! The Scene!
The Scene!   The Scene!  The Scene!

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