Friday 3 December 2010

Print Media - Planning Main Magazine

Title: Kerrchow!, The Scene!, Band Gun, Music&Lyrics
Title in bold, a striking colour, maybe in two colours The in one colour and Scene in another but so the colours match and make it more attractive.

Photo Shooting: Christopher Galvin on drums or holding drum sticks for double page spread
                                 Kurt Herbst and Tom Hartland for front cover
Bands: Metal Rabbit, Seeing Double (Louise and Lucy), Numb Friction
Front Cover: Kurt and Tom posing as a band, along with a few small pictures of other bands included. Kurt and Tom looking at each other, angry hateful looks on their faces.
Contents: Minimized pictures of Chris, Kurt and Tom along with minimized pictures of Louise and Lucy posing as a band. Page numbers with different types of pages such as song lyrics to songs, new upcoming bands, double page spread on Chris, quizzes and horoscopes, birth dates of bands.
Double Page: Big image of Chris on drums or just holding drum sticks, Title in bold, writing just over lapping his picture, dark background, white writing to stand out. Chris’ picture covering most of one page.
Double Page Photo Shot: Facing away from the camera maybe looking down, shot is from head down to waist, can only see half of his face.

The Scene!    The Scene!  The Scene!
The Scene! The Scene! The Scene!
The Scene!   The Scene!  The Scene!

Print Media - Magazine Deconstruction

Front Cover
The front cover of the NME Magazine shows The Courteeners front man Liam Fray, it shows only him and not the rest of his band as he is the main face of his band and people are more likely going to recognise which band it is just by him. Liam is looking directly into the camera, with a very serious expression on his face; this could mean that he has some big news to tell us about his band. He also has his hand inside his jacket, this could either mean that his hand is meant to be on his heart, this could mean he is making a promise to us as some people put their hand on their heart to promise, it could also mean that he’s hiding something in his jacket, meaning it’s a secret he wants to share with us the readers.
 He has a few necklaces one of which has a religious symbol which could mean he’s religious; he is also wearing a red shirt which could symbolise the colour of the devil. There is also a moon shining behind him which in a lot of horror movies a full moon means something to do with a werewolf, he also has a werewolf-like hair style .
 The NME is in big bold letters at the top of the magazine so you can easily see what the magazine is called, its striking and draws in attention. The Courteeners is in big bold red writing which stands out against Liam Fray’s black jacket, and all the writing around The Courteeners writing is in a large font to show what this issue of the magazine is mainly going to be about.
 There is also some bold writing about festival scams and other different bands; this draws readers in to make them want to find out more about it.

Contents Page
The contents page has down the left hand side all the page numbers of what’s inside, all of the pages are in alphabetical order, and the font is small but red, the red font stands out against the plain white background.
 At the top of the page there is a huge title saying “snap shot” this draws in the reader’s attention, it also tells you the name of the person in the snap shot and on this issue its “Jamie T” there’s also a small box of text telling you information about Jamie T saying Panic Over, the white box stands out over the darkened picture of Jamie T.
 At the bottom of the page there are bold adverts to buy NME Magazine, the font is black which stands out against the plain white background.

The Double Page Spread
The double page spread is linked to the front cover being The Courteeners, and again the front man Liam Fray is the only person featured on this page. Most of the double page is a large picture of Liam Fray with the caption “Get used to this face” beneath his face, this shows that he is planning on making it big with his band, and he plans to be a music legend. Again he is looking straight into the camera only this time looking a little more relaxed than on the front cover, this could mean that he’s told us what he needed to and feels more relaxed that we now know. He’s holding his hands up which could link to the writing in the top right hand corner which has said that many people have doubted the talent of The Courteeners, Liam could be holding his arms up casually meaning something like “don’t doubt us” and he’s planning on proving the doubters wrong.
 The big “O” on the right hand side draws the reader in to make them want to read about the band, and again on this page the black font stands out against the plain white background.

Friday 26 November 2010

Print Media - Analysis of Questionnaire Results

Print Media - Questionnaire

1.       Are you male or female?
Male                                       Female
2.       How old are you?

3.       How often do you buy a magazine?
Weekly                  Fortnightly                          Monthly                               Never
4.       Which genres of magazine do you buy?Music                      Gossip                                  Cars                                       Fashion

5.       What attracts you to buying a certain magazine?_________________________________________________________

6.       I am designing a new music magazine – what kind of articles should I include?Interviews            Reviews                               News                                    Things to buy    

7.         What genres of Music do you listen to?Rock        Metal       Pop        R&B       Rap        Jazz        Soul       Electronic         Dubstep

8.       How much do you pay for a magazine?£0 - £1.00               £1.01 - £2.00       £2.01 - £3.00       £3.01 - £4.00       £4.01+

9.       What music magazines have you bought? Kerrang   The Fly    NME       Rolling Stone     Q         MixMag               None

10.   What would you add/change to a music magazine?____________________________________________________________

11.   What type of colour scheme would you like to see on a music magazine?Bright                      Dark                       One main colour               Lots of colours

12.   What genre of bands would you like to see on the cover of my magazine?Rock        Pop        R&B       Dubstep               All different kinds

13.   How many pages do you think a music magazine should have?1 – 10      11 – 20  21 – 30  31 – 40  41 – 50  51 – 60  61 – 70  71+

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Print Media - Preliminary Task

 For my Preliminary task in Print Media I had to design the front cover and the contents page for any type of magazine. I chose to do a fashion in sixth form magazine as it was easy to see around sixth form what the most popular design of clothing was.
 I chose the name Spark for the name of my magazine as Spark is quite a striking name and can make people interested, it’s also short and has written underneath the fashion magazine so people know what it’s about and if they are interested in fashion they would want to buy it. I added the lighting bolt in because it goes with that name Spark, I also thought the colour yellow on the lighting, went very well with the black and white of the title. I made the model on the front cover, cover her face so that the reader would focus directly on the clothing rather than the actual model, this would then let the reader know what designer or clothing line this issue was about, and for example this front cover shows that this issue will be about the David and Goliath clothing range. I also added at the bottom David and Goliath icons as I thought the colours all went well together and teenagers can easily recognise them as being from the David and Goliath range. I only added one advertisement which is for the clothes show as it’s a big event which thousands of people go to, so this would catch a lot of people’s interest and would make them want to read more about the event.

 On the contents page I have a retro background which is striking and can make the reader interested, I didn’t add any pictures to the contents page because as the pattern covers most of the page and is very brightly coloured, I didn’t want to make the page look cluttered, I made the contents title red because it stands out against the black and matches against the retro background.